
We invite CME students to join us on a visit to the Museum of Communication in Nuremberg and the current exhibition “New Realities – AI as a Mirror of Ourselves”. Date: Thu., November 23, 2023 Time: 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Venue: Museum of Communication Nuremberg, Lessingstraße 6 in Nurem...

Category: News

The preparation course provides an introduction into the programming language Python. This course is designed particularly for new CME students who start in winter semester 2023/24. The course will be held as a virtual course from October 9, 2023 to October 13, 2023. For more information see the Aud...

Category: News

David Castro Pinol, MSc student of CME since fall 2020, coauthored the paper "DeepFilter: An ECG baseline wander removal filter using deep learning techniques" which appeared in the Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 70, September 2021

Category: News

Prof. Schober was ranked among the top 1 percent of the world’s researchers in terms of of citations in 2020. This year, six FAU scientists are among the most cited research personalities in their field. Altogether the „Highly Cited Researchers List“ lists the nearly 6200 most influential researc...

Category: News

In recognition of outstanding achievements in the broad field of Signal Processing, the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) elevates each year a select group of up to a maximum of four scholars to “EURASIP Fellow”, the Association’s most prestigious honor. As one of the EURASIP Fell...

Category: News